Gerardo's Home page


Gerardo Urrutia 


Postdoctoral fellow at CFT-PAN 


Center for Theoretical Physics, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland.

Office: 313


CV : here

List of Publications: here

Research Gate: here 

ADS: here

My research interest is high-energy astrophysics. I study the propagation of gamma ray bursts jets by numerical simulations, for understanding its dynamics, electromagnetic and gravitational radiation. 

I am working with prof. Agnieszka Janiuk at Center for Theoretical Physics, in Warsaw, Poland. Previously, I completed my PhD studies at Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Mexico City,  under the supervision of prof. Fabio De Colle.

I love science and hear some talks about other research areas by a simple curiosity pleasure. Furthermore, I like drinking coffee, eating, listen, playing music with my guitar, writing tales, travel, raccoons, Snoopy beagle.

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